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TIMEOFF.GURU and Economedia

Media also needs a break

Economedia JSC is the largest publisher of business media in Bulgaria. Monthly, through all its channels, it reaches an audience of 1.5 million people - economically active and highly educated readers. The group's portfolio includes Capital, Dnevnik, and the specialized media Bakhus, Regal, Careers. A subsidiary of Economedia AD is the technology publishing house ICT Media with the brands Computerworld, CIO, Network World, and PC World. About 200 people work together in Economedia and ICT Media. About a year ago, TIMEOFF.GURU was introduced in Economedia AD and ICT Media for managing and planning vacations.

We joined the TIMEOFF.GURU family in July 2016. For our company, it proved to be extremely important, easy, and effective. Thanks to constant access to it, team leaders are aware of absences in their department, and employees can plan their vacations early in accordance with those of their colleagues. Submitting and approving a vacation takes literally a few minutes. The system is particularly useful during the intensive summer months when a large part of our company goes on vacation. It also allows very detailed reports. Furthermore TIMEOFF.GURU is actively used by our subsidiary ICT MEDIA.

Valentina Tsoneva - Financial Director

If you wish to do something good both for the organization and for the people, to simplify the leave of absence request process, to minimize the expenses, and to better coordinate your teams, then TIMEOFF.GURU is created exactly for that reason.

Show the solution to your colleagues and see for yourself how convenient and easy everything becomes with TIMEOFF.GURU. With just a few clicks, you have a request, approval, report, and a view of the overall absence calendar. Without unnecessary bureaucracy, without piles of paper, without hours of processing.